Tuesday we celebrated the birthday of Shirley Nowak.
Shirley has been a family friend almost as long as I have been married, which is going on 46 years. Her birthday
was actually yesterday, but we got together the day before for lunch.
The "We" being the "Old Horse Broads Club". Not to be confused with "The First Wives Club" but you get the picture. What's even nicer about us old broads getting together several times a year for lunch is now we have the addition of two of our daughters, who are on their way to becoming "old horse broads" as they are both trainers. (A couple of our "Old Horse Broad" friends live out of state, and they also have daughters who are trainers.)
We eat, talk, laugh... and then eat, talk and laugh some more.
This year we added a new "Old" broad, Judy Demshar. She was tickled to be invited and enjoyed the afternoon. She even offered to host the next event!
Remembering old times that we all shared with horses is a very special time. Horror stories, funny stories and tearful stories all have equal air time.
The bond we share is special. And Tuesday we shared our time with a "special lady".
In horse circles, this statement could be made about Shirley... "She's forgotten more about horses than most people will ever know!"
See you for lunch next April Shirley!