My friend Jo Ann forwarded an email to me that just brought back waves of nostalgic memories.
I was born in 1942, so I have had a few memories during my "growing up" years. This email was so delightful! It was one of those "remember this?.....if so you are older and more experienced etc.
Anyway, here is one that was not on the list. When I went to live with my older aunt and uncle, they did not serve "butter" in a dish on the dinner table like my mother and grandmother did. They served "margarine" in a bowl!
Now most of you will say, well there is the healthy issue (back then nobody knew or perhaps cared) and butter was expensive compared to margarine.
The only drawback to margarine was it's color. It was white. White as flour or the clapboard house next door. Yep, it was white! Looked just like Crisco from the 3# can! Not appealing or appetizing, so the manufacturers of the "Butter Substitute" came up with a brilliant marketing device. "Let's put a little color tablet, make the tablet soft, and let's put the margarine and the tablet in a sealed plastic-like bag, and the consumers can open the package, and just "knead" the package until the color is absorbed evenly into the entire white blob, and it will look just like Butter". The company will never know!
Guess who got the "kneading" job. Right......me!
I don't buy margarine today. I don't care what my arteries look like.
Even then I couldn't believe it was butter!
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