..if they would just listen to us, and then do what we tell them to do! At least as far as their health is concerned.
You all may not have this problem, but I sure as heck do!
Yesterday a.m. was spent with the Dr.'s office examining my husband and writing a prescription for a 875 mg dosage of amoxicillin for a suspected strep infection. "You have pockets of pus in your throat that I can see just looking into your mouth" says the Dr. My husband has been flat out sick for a week, and so sick that he was not able to even swallow a glass of water!
"Stop the truck, go into a truck stop and ask where the nearest hospital emergency room or urgicare clinic is" said I. "Okay" said he. "but where will I park"? Duhhhhh!
Did he? No, of course not. That would have meant he would be derelict in his duty to provide for his family, or not be macho, or whatever else goes through their brains. So instead, he lay in the bunk of the Semi-Truck in agony, not even able to eat or drink for two days. Then after delivering his freight at two separate stops in North Carolina, headed home in the early afternoon, arriving home at 12:30 a.m. Tuesday morning. "Shall I call the Dr's. office to see if they can get you in today"? "I don't care" sez he!
I surely wish he would subscribe to the theory to "do it my way". It's much easier to do it my way than it is to tell me no! He's hearing about it now. From the Doctor, from his children, and he sure as heck is hearing it from me!
Venting.....such a wonderful therapy!
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