In the name of womanhood and humanity, I earnestly ask
That a general congress of women without limit of nationality
May be appointed and held at some place deemed most convenient
And at the earliest period consistent with its objects
To promote the alliance of the different nationalities,
The amicable settlement of international questions.
The great and general interests of peace.
... quote Anna M. Jarvis founder of "Mother's Day" in America
This quote came to mind last evening when a group of fund raising committee members met at my house to cut, assemble and decorate "fans" for the Bi-Centenniel Mother's Day Tea!
The Liverpool Township Bi-Centenniel will be celebrated in 2010. As co-Chair of the Steering Committee, I also serve on the fund raising committee. In these economic times, our job has been doubly hard...raising money for an historical publication covering the 200 year history of our Township, and community of Valley City, and the events that will be held to honor that history.
One of the ideas that we came up with was to have a "high" tea celebrating Mother's Day.
Tickets are $15.00 for adults, and $10.00 for children. There is a re-enactment specialist coming from Ft. Meigs to put on the program of Costuming and related topics. We are excited to be having the opportunity to celebrate Mother's Day and raise money at the same time.
Those interested in coming May 9, 12:30 p.m. to the Liverpool Community Center, please call me for tickets. Only 100 tickets will be sold, and the "programs" we assembled last night are in the form of old fashioned "fans". Wooden handles and a cute shape and color with the program printed on one side and the menu printed on the other.
Terry Jones of Eileen's Cafe will be providing the food as her contribution to the event.
I am pleased to be the "fan" idea source. I remember as a child having those plain advertising fans at church and at funerals. I thought they were such fun. We decided the idea would be perfect for the Tea.
So ladies..........dust off your pretty hat and unpack those long ago stored gloves, and join us for a couple hours of fun!
p.s. I still think the most effective form of government would be to put a PTA Mother's group into a leadership position to make the rules for our country. Just think, the problems would be solved, women would do the work, no wars and when we were done for the day, we would all have cookies and tea!
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