This week I posted this boat trailer on Craigslist.
I did not have much hope of success, however, many "boat trailer" buyers inquired, and one man made an appointment to come and look the very next day after the posting.
Well, he drove away with it. I am jumping ahead a little in this tale, so let me back up a bit.
Last year, Tim sold the 12' aluminum boat that rested on the trailer. He had decided that since we had not used it in a couple of years, that a 14' boat would better serve our purpose when we went fishing. (something that we have not done for a few years, instead our time was spent trying to recover from illness and injury and recover the lost revenue etc). So, down the driveway the 12' boat "sailed" (sic)
After moving the trailer out of the sheltered life it had in the barn, (a new lawn vac needed to be housed,) it was relegated to the rear of the barn, outside, covered up with a tarp. Well
after several years of non-use, Tim decided the space needed to be utilitzed for something else, so we decided to sell it.
Back to the sale day. "Mark" came with his pickup truck and brought his five year old daughter Elizabeth with him. She was cute and smiley, and he made a cash offer that could not be refused.
One problem about hitching up and heading out, he forgot the "pin" for the ball mount for his trailer hitch. "Well, I'll come back for it later today" said Mark. "No, that's okay I have a pin I'll let you use, and I'll follow you home so you don't get stopped for not having a license plate on it" sez I.
Off we go, to a nice neighborhood south of Medina. Mark was really excited about the trailer, and told me a story that made me smile. He already had a 14' aluminum boat that belonged to his Dad. He lost his Dad five years ago, and had not used the boat since. But, he had a 10 year old son who loved to fish, so getting this trailer meant that he could take his son (who really loved fishing) in his Dad's boat.
Just as I was getting back into my car in Mark's driveway, he said "Look, here comes my son now, he's rounding the corner of the block on his way home from school". The son saw his Dad's truck in the driveway, still attached to the boat trailer and the boy started to run. And run he did, all the way down the half block to his house. He was too excited to see the smile on my face, or to see me at all for that matter.
I caught Mark's eye and looked downward. Mark nodded a word of thanks and I got into the Nissan and drove away. I could not help but call Tim's cell phone on the way back home and relay the story to him. There was silence on the phone, and I heard him catch his breath. After a few seconds, Tim said "Well at least it went to a good home"!
1 comment:
Life is made up of wonderful, fleeting moments. That was one of them. Thanks for sharing.
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