I went to the Food Show at the IX Center yesterday with Sarah, Kevin and Daniel. We arrived at about 10:15 a.m. and we stood outside the ticket window line while Kevin waited to get his ticket. Not too many folks were there as yet, so it was a short wait. I reached into my purse to get the two tickets that I had bought, one for Sarah and one for me. (Traci had too much to do before leaving for a work trip to New York, and Kevin was to fly out on Sunday a.m. so just Sarah and I were going to the show) No tickets! I frantically searched my purse with no luck. I mentally re-traced my steps of the morning. I had placed my purse on the kitchen table and emptied the "non-necessary" for today contents and replaced the wallet, checkbook, inhaler, kleenex and a couple more items.
I then left to go pick up Sarah and Daniel. Kevin was still at home instead of having left for a flight, so he said he would like to come also (Kevin is the cook in their family) Off we went, with Kevin behind the wheel of my car.
I had the presence of mind not to panic, instead I called my neighbor Linda and asked her to go to my house and see if the tickets were on the kitchen table. She called me back and said they were safely lying on the table. She did however give me the ID numbers off the tickets. I proceeded to the ticket window and explained my dilema. "Sorry, you need to buy another ticket" said the teller. "But I have the ID numbers of the tickets I purchased" said I.
After checking with another person behind the glass, we were good to go with receipts for two tickets. Sigh of relief!
Wandering through the show, sampling vendors wares and taking a leisurely stroll around (not a shoulder to shoulder crowd as of yet) Kevin and Daniel and I sat down in the Food Court to take a break, and I opened my purse to get my wallet out. No wallet! I searched and searched but it was not there. Again retracing my steps, I had put my handbag down on the top of a stroller of a friend that we met there and she and the stroller and the two year old had gone in to see Chef Bobbie Flay's Kitchen demo. So I had to wait until she got out of the show. The security person at the entrance of the show said I could go to customer service at the entrance of the IX Center and tell them of the missing wallet.
I trudged back up to the entrance and went to the same teller who had taken care of me initially in the ticket debaucle. She asked "What does it look like"? I responded "Tri fold, brown, fake alligator". She left the window and disappeared into the bowels of the office.
One minute later she appeared and said "is this it?" There was my wallet in her hand. "You left it on counter here at the ticket window".
Is this a one time thing, or is my life slowly changing into the person who forgets things?
I wonder!
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