#1 Daniel and I went to the Candlelight Walk in Medina and stood in line to visit Santa. It was 3:30 in the afternoon and the daylight was just starting to fade. There were probably 10 families ahead of us waiting their turn to step into the little house from the North Pole where Santa was receiving visitors. The weather was dry but chilly. As Daniel sto0d holding my hand he was looking around and taking in the sights, but soon tired of the waiting process and started to fidget. "Nana, my legs hurt"said Daniel. "Okay, we can leave then" said I. "No, I want to see Santa". "Okay then, we will stand in line. You have to be patient Daniel". "I have no patience" said Daniel. "Well, we can leave"..."No I want to stay". This went on for what seemed like an hour.
Finally it was our turn to step up on the platform and be asked to come in and visit Santa. The space was very tiny and was filled with a Christmas Tree, Santa on his chair, a photographer dressed as an Elf, and a lady taking names and addresses of Santa visitors that wanted to purchase a photo. Daniel was very animated and when Santa asked him what he wanted for Christmas he quickly replied "I want a toy motorcycle and a Lightin' McQueen coloring book".
Santa asked if Daniel had been a good boy and he responded the proper answer. He continued to chat with Santa until I finally intervened and said "Daniel, we have to leave now, there are lots of children waiting in line to meet Santa". With that Daniel turned to look at me, paused and then immediately turned back to Santa and threw his arms around his neck and gave him the biggest hug ever! As I watched in wonder, my eyes misted up, not a lot, but just a little. I turned away so Daniel wouldn't see me and I noticed the eyes of the Elf and the Secratary were misty too. Was that a Christmas Miracle?
#2 Visit was held at the Fairview Rec Center, "Breakfast with Santa" hosted by long time friend of Daniel's other grandparents John and Charlene Vas' , Josh Lorick, Financial Services. This is the 3rd year I have been invited to attend with Daniel. Daniel's parents both had to work this year, so Tim and I were able to see this Santa visit together.
Lots of children, lots of parents and grandparents, craft tables and a musician. Very lovely, but I did not get to hear Daniel's conversation with Santa. I was taking the photo below. He was a wonderful and regal Santa as you can see and Daniel seemed to enjoy the experience. He did seem a little reserved while sitting on Santa's lap however. Maybe the presence of his much older cousins Sam 10, Zack 7 and Thomas 5 were a bit intimidating but Santa sure was gorgeous!
#3 Valley City Chamber of Commerce hosted "Christmas in the Valley" the same day replete with a parade and loads of things to see and do at the Liverpool Community Center. One of the highlights was that Santa and Mrs. Claus paid a visit to the parade and rode in "Robin's Nest's little school bus". This is where Daniel goes to pre-school so he was excited to meet Santa and Mrs. Claus since they were riding in "Miss Robin's Bus".
We waited in line for just a few minutes and then it was Daniel's turn. Santa was very handsome but Mrs. Claus was especially beautiful. She sported a white beehive hairdo, white earmuffs with Christmas corsages attached, a lovely red and white faux fur trimmed cape (made by Terry Jones of Eileen's Cafe fame) and white boots trimmed with white fur. She was absolutly Elegant!
She peered at Daniel through her tiny wire rimmed spectacles and said "Well hello Daniel, how are you today?" (It happened to be that Mrs. Claus' day job was part time waitress at Eileen's Cafe, and familiar with Daniel since he was a tiny tot!). Tim and I have taken Daniel to dine at Eileen's for breakfast whenever Daniel gets to sleep over.
Daniel's eyes got as big as saucers as he climbed up on Santa's lap. As he was settling in for his third chat with the big buy, Santa asked the proverbial question "And what do you want for Christmas Daniel?".
Daniel looked up at Santa and said "I already told you once"!
Mrs. Claus whipped her head around to look at me (I was standing behind out of Daniel's line of vision and I hurredly mouthed the words "Toy Motorcycle". Mrs. Claus turned to Santa and said "Oh Santa, you were up so late last night making toys, don't you remember, Daniel wants a Toy Motorcycle".
Leave it to a woman to save the day!
So really, you had all better watch out, Mrs. Claus is watching!
(photo below is Santa #2) (Tim, Daniel and I in front of Santa #2's Tree)
You've got me blubbering already and it's only 4:15 in the morning. Wonderful stories. I feel like a kid again. Thank you. xo
Nothing like experiencing Christmas through the eyes of a child. What a wonderful story...and YEAH Mrs.Claus!
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