Kelly works for Sarah at the Farm. Someone gave Kelly's children rabbits. The rabbits did what rabbits do .. so there were progeny. Ten days ago, Kelly showed me three bunnies that she had brought to work and put them in an empty stall for the day at the barn. Her plan, since they were all three males who when picked up clawed your arms with their back legs, had to find new accomodations. Sarah's farm field perhaps. No, thought I, something would get them right off the bat, as there is no cover for them out there. So I suggested Kelly bring them up to our house and turn them loose behind our barn which is adjacent to a large wood pile, trees with ground cover and fence rows loaded with vegetation cover.
Well they are alive and well and living around my house, under my horse trailer, the other pickup truck, flower beds, under the bird feeder and having a gay ole' time to boot.
Three bunnies, two white ones and one brown with a little white tail.
Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail. Sigh! What will I feed them this winter (you know I will feed them this winter)? I will research rabbit pellets and go from there. They seem to be thriving and are pretty precocious. This is the view this morning from my rear patio sliding door.
I think it is Flopsy...or maybe Mopsy...I know Collontail is the brown one!
Neighbors, guard your green beans!
1 comment:
You are so tender-hearted. God love you for taking care of His critters. I think Purina makes something called "Rabbit Chow". Seriously. xo
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