(or so they

and incredulous at the sales personnel, the buyers and sellers, the properties and the prices.
Just when I think I have seen everything there flashes a spot commercial for yet another reality TV show, "Real Housewives of Timbucktu" or somewhere akin to that.
I have watched the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills show, even the reunion show for that matter. These women are neither real or housewives.
Come on folks, does anyone live like this???? Oh I forget,
I am in the "Midwest", not glamour land, or Atlanta, or
New Jersey, or New Mexico or just about anyplace except
"Reality Show #22", real housewives on welfare or working two
jobs raising 3 kids as a single parent, shopping at Aldi's, cutting coupons,
doing without and promising to do better.
Oh wait, that show would never qualify for a reality show,
...too real!
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