With the visiting dog belonging to Heather Raw, I am out later at night than normal. While I wait for "Anna" to "get busy" as her owner says I should tell her if she seems to be not attending to the task of "potty", I have been looking up at the sky.
I think we forget to look up. Our lives are purposefull and on target most of the time, but I think our vision gets narrower and narrower. We seem to have lost the habit of looking up and instead we look ahead, or we look back. The other night the stars were so bright and the sky was so clear that it seemed as if I were viewing the sky from a movie or from the seating in the planeterium at the History Museum.
I saw the dippers and all the other bright lights of constellations not to mention the moon full and shiny.
The air was still and the night was quiet. I actually stayed out much longer than it took Anna to "get busy". Quite enjoyable actually, I was surprised that I did not rush back into the warmth of the house.
This morning at 5:00 a.m (really 6:00 a.m. if it weren't daylight savings time), again I caught myself looking up. It's a vast universe out there and we are such little specks.
"Come on Anna, get busy"!
1 comment:
We can all learn from Anna -- wander around, sniff everything, take your time.
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