Last May, I was in Washington, D.C. attending the National Women's Council of Realtors Spring Conference. It was my pleasure and privilege to be invited to participate on a private tour of the West Wing of the White House.
A fellow realtor and WCR member invited me two weeks before the conference began to accompany her and another member on this private tour. So I had to submit lots of info for a background check to receive clearance for the tour.
The tour commenced at 5:30 on a Saturday afternoon, and was conducted by Janet Weir Creighton, former mayor of Canton, Ohio, and special deputy assistant to the president, the equivalent of a 4 star general commission. We were met by Janet at a security check point and proceeded to walk into the back of the West Wing. Janet is a vibrant, delightful woman with lots of political savy and it was a genuine treat to be allowed to view a White House that I never before, or probably again would be able to visit.
Janet was appointed to the "job" and along with the appointment came huge responsibility. She told of the first time she flew in "Marine II" One of four Marine helicopters that transport the President and Vice-President. She was the only passenger aboard, and when she looked out the side window, she saw another Marine helicopter rise next to Marine II and then speed ahead.
She asked the Crew Chief "What was that????" the reply came, "Ma'm, that was Marine I, carrying the President". "Carrying the President?" "Then what am I in?" He replied, "the decoy Ma'm!" Welcome to Washington!
We sat in the Brady Press Room, stood at the podium (the room is quite small compared to what you would think it would be) and I even sat in "Helen's" seat up front and had my picture taken.
As we toured the west wing, we paused at the door to the Oval Office. It was not occupied, but we were allowed to stick our heads in and see as much as we could see without actually entering the office. What I was drawn to was the rug on the floor. It was beautiful and huge in size. The "Texas" star was prominent, and the star theme was carried out throughout the workmanship of the thick and lush rug. We were told that each President has his own rug, chosen by him to depict his presidency.

I wonder what the new rug will look like.
As I stood there, it made no difference who was president, or who would be president. I felt the immense presence of quiet and powerful spirits. Long gone from this earth, but nevertheless, powerful and standing guard over the Oval Office. Shivers ran up my spine as I tried to take in 43 presidents sitting at that desk. What a heavy mantle of responsibility. Accepting the advice of close advisors, learned men, scholars, sifting through all the possible scenaios that would unfold based on your decisions.
Not a job for the feint of heart, but a huge job none the less.
The tour ended, and Janet graciously offered a ride to the three of us the "K" restaurant where were meeting Ohio WCR members for dinner. I will never forget sitting in the back seat of Janet's car and proceeding down Pennsylvania Avenue through two security checkpoints where huge steel barriers rose above the brick street. With just a short pause, something electronic in Janet's car met with approval from the armed guard, and magically the huge steel barricades disappeared into the underbelly of the street. Getting through the guards to the White House is not an easy task.
God Bless those who came before, and God Bless those that are there now, and God Bless those who will come.
In closing, I am sticking to my oath:
Unless I heard it with my own ears, don't take stock in it.
Unless I saw it with my own eyes, take it with a grain of salt, and unless they ask my opinion, keep my opinion to myself until it is asked.
Till I walk in those shoes, God Bless those that do!
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