He and his important significant gal built a home out in Sullivan, Ohio in a portion of Ohio's Amish country. They have 5 acres, a barn, ranch style home, and lots of country surrounding them.
Well, a couple of years ago, they decided that chickens would make a wonderful addition to their "Lazy Possum Ranch". He always refers to the property as "the ranch" so a real "Ranch" name is appropriate I guess. Anyway, I have never seen said chickens, and I can go a long long time without seeing them in the future. Chickens are God's creatures, not mine!
A call from him on Saturday gave us the opportunity to give a hand. He had taken her to work, his other vehicle being snowed in, drove the car. They live back off the road, and he mistakenly thought he could pull into his driveway farther than was reasonable for a sane person, so ultimately he got good and stuck!
His specialty is good looking, charming, funny, fun at a party, but not driving or apparently, parking! He did not ask for any help, he just stated facts, and said he would "dig himself out". Tim took it from there. His ill and weakened brother was most definitely, not "digging himself out!"
Long story short, Tim got him out with the help of laying large chains down behind the wheels, and his brother was able drive in reverse with the help of the chains on the snow. Good trick if you ever get stuck and have 14' chains in your trunk!
Tim came home and presented me with his payment for service. Two dozen brown eggs in plain gray cardboard egg boxes. The boxes were labeled with black magic marker as follows:
From the Lazy Possum Ranch, Really good, Try them sunny side up, *Fresh* Pops Eggs-----Sullivan, Ohio
Sunday's pancakes and eggs were never more special.......Really, Really *Fresh*!!!
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