Photo below is Nathan and the late "Grandma Neta" (the woman married to my cousin William Koons, who I lived with from the time I was 17 until I was 21).
(Photo to the right is baby: Nathan Winfield Von Duyke, age: One day!)
I was not allowed to see him, hold him or touch him. After the birth (remember, we all got general anesthetic to give birth, so I never saw him, I was just whisked off to my room to "wake up" (and hurt!)
"Where's my baby"? "He's in an incubator" "Don't worry, he is okay, but the cord was wrapped around his throat, so we have him in a warm and quiet place, no oxygen, just keeping him warm and calm after the trauma of his birth" "He will probably always be quiet, due to this experience" said Dr. Myron Welty.
I got hysterical. Tim wasn't there , as he had fallen asleep on the wall of the waiting room (No Dad's in delivery in those days) I was frantic. Not allowed out of bed, not allowed to see my baby, and no one around that I knew.
Eventually I drifted off into a fitfull sleep. In the wee hours of the morning, as I recall it was around 5:00 a.m. or so, anyway all was dark, someone nudged me on the shoulder. I opened my eyes and a nurse was leaning over me saying "be quiet, I brought you your baby to see".
I bolted upright in bed. I woke up fully and looked at the baby. She laid him on my lap, unfolded the blankets and said "look, see he has all his fingers and all of his toes, and he is perfect in every way". "Don't say a word, I have to take him back to the incubator, I could lose my job if I get caught". "The shift is getting ready to change and I wanted you to see your little guy". "I have to get him back right away"!
I shall always remember that moment. He spent four days in that incubator before we were allowed to bring him home to the farm house in Valley City.
My little boy!
He was perfect then, and in my eyes he is perfect today!
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