...................will fill a gnat's behind!
Yesterday I was privileged to be the "testee" at the Medina Hospital's radiology department for my head. The joke here is "duh, what are they going to find, when it was empty to begin with...yuk, yuk, yuk!) Alright already!
After hitting my head on the asphalt on Thursday afternoon at the Horse Show I experienced dizziness, nausea, sweating and other assorted unpleasantries. Well, I was'nt going to the emergency room etc, I was going to be just fine. Then my son Nathan said two words to me ...
Natashia Richardson!
The lovely actress who fell on the ski slope, hitting her head, and dying a few hours later.
So, off I trudged to the Dr.'s office. Janet examined me, said my blood pressure was a little high, and rechecked it later, still a little high. She thought a CT Scan was in order, not because of some great trauma, but because she wanted to know if any "little" blood vessels were compromised or bleeding out.
The receptionist called Medina Hospital (Not Medina "General" Hospital anymore with the advent of the Cleveland Clinic merger) to make the appointment. The ensuing conversation was like a sitcom featuring Lucy and Desi. She would listen to the voice on the phone asking questions, and then relay the questions my way, and then back with the answers.
Seems Medicare won't pay for a CT Scan unless there is a headache involved. Duh! My head ached, but a "Palm of your hand sized goosegg" didn't count, even though it made my "head ache"! Well, how much does a CT Scan cost? sez I. If I thought I was dizzy before the answer, it ain't nothin' compared to what I was after the answer, "You don't even want to know" said the receptionist.
Okay then, what do we do? How about "I think I'm developing a severe headache while I am standing here!" Not good enough. Then the right question was asked. "Are you having any dizziness?" "BINGO"!!!!! In like Flynn! and don't forget to stay hydrated! Drinking glasses of water, after glasses of water made my trip to the hospital a little longer journey. I had to stop and two McDonald's to pee on the way!
So, with no waiting, no time to run, no time to change my mind, I was ushered into a room of sterile white, told to lay down my purse and jacket, no hospital gown, no dye in the vein, not even taking off of shoes, Voila! I am partially in the tube, lying very still, trying to remember every flash of medical show I have watched on TV and believe me. It was nothing like the movie!
"You are all done now, the radioligist will review the film and forward the information to your doctor"
And I got myself all worked up for that?
Now I wait for the results. Always a fun way to pass the time!
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