Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Wheels on the Bus go round and round!

Friday was the day! A day I have looked forward to and have dreaded at the same time.
The little boy got on the bus for the first day of Kindergarden. A milestone which will open so many doors to so many wonderful things and so many wonderful experiences.
A door closing on my favorite little boy's pre-school life.
I cried. How many more years will I be able to see his first day of school? Will there be middle school days, and high school days, and college days? No one knows, so I best take advantage of each and every day in between!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Nothing like "going live"!

Hi there everyone. I have missed blogging for the last three weeks and I think it has taken a toll on me. Whereas I can vent, or rant, or just muse and think online on my little blog, instead, I have let things build up until I had a tummy ache. Or something close to that vicinity. Alright, I had pains in my chest.

I phoned my friend Jo Ann Wingfield yesterday and left a message on her answering machine.
It went something like this....."I am running away and I wondered if Wooster would be a good place to start?" (Jo Ann lives in Wooster).

She called me about 45 minutes later and said "Come on down"!

So I did.

You know, I know we live in the age of blog, jog, tweet, twitter and text. But you know folks, there just ain't no better form of communication than to be face to face with a friend. We chatted for about 45 minutes, had a glass of tea (actually half and half, the way I like it) and
voila' I felt better. We didn't talk about anything much, just talked, and I got a tour of her house which she has lived in for a year now and it is flat ass gorgeous. You should see how they finished the basement!

Anyway, I phoned her today to say thank you for letting me come down to Wooster. She said she enjoyed it too!

When she ended the conversation on the phone, besides saying "goodbye" she said "I love you".
I hung up in such haste, that I almost missed hearing those words. Not many people tell me "I love you" these days. I sure reflected on that for the rest of the day.

Jo Ann, I love you too!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

It's bred in the genes!

Sarah and Daniel have been staying since Saturday. A flea problem (that darn cat) became known, and the exterminator was not able to come out until yesterday. On Monday a.m. Sarah picked up her two dogs and cat from home and took them to the groomer's to have a "dip" to be sure!
Then they were allowed to come to Nana's house.
Well, Toby took this personally. I can only describe what has taken place. Since the arrival of Dozer and Jinx, he has paced and panted until I thought he was going to be sick.
Turns out, the herding instinct that was bred into this breed over a century or more came out in "living color". Toby wanted those dogs to have nothing to do with Daniel. He went in to Daniel's bedroom, jumped up on the bed with him, and would not get down. Toby doesn't sleep with Daniel at all. Until now. Those black beasts were not going to hurt his little boy and that was that. The black dogs even had the audacity to curl up at my feet while I sat on the sofa. Again, Toby panted and paced! Moving the two dogs away from my feet solved the problem. Toby instantly took their place, put his head down and took a snooze. No grass growing under his feet!
Tonight, I expect the same reaction. "Daniel, it's time for bed" and I bet Toby beats him to the comforter!