Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How many types of friends are there?

There are many types of "friends".
The kind that walks in and out of your house unannounced.
The kind that calls before they come to your home.
The kind that don't come to your house unless they are invited.
The kind that you work with, but don't socialize with.
The kind that you have worked for and "clicked" for life.
The kind that you only see because they are the friend of a friend....and so forth.

The kind that I am thinking about today has never been to my home for a meal. Never been to a family gathering, never seen me at church, school, or a graduation. But we have worked together, congratulated each other on family events and accomplishments, cried or smiled over family events. Expressd sympathy and concern at a family illness, accident or tragedy. The kind of friend that you know you can always count on for support for a worthwhile project or charitable event. The kind that joins in "because it is the right thing to do". The kind that would bring a meal to your home if they knew you were ill.

That is the kind of friend I am praying for right now. My friend Karen Tittel is in critical condition in the Cleveland Clinic suffering from complications of a Bone Marrow transplant.
She has been the manager of a competing brokerage for ten years before becoming a sales associate again. The kind of friend that you can always count on to be honest and ethical to a fault.

She is the friend who gave me a book on the merits of being a Grandmother soon after my Daniel was born. She smiled and said "you are not going to believe how your life will change".
And she was right.

She is in the fight of her life now. God and the Dr.s have her health in their hands.
We pray and light a candle for her wishing her a speedy recovery. Wishing her the strength to fight for her life. Wishing strength for her family now.

She has lived a life of merit. Straight and true.

God Bless you dear friend. God Bless you.

1 comment:

Jo Ann said...

How fortunate we are for the "Karen's" in our lives. Along with you, I light a candle for her every night and pray for her recovery. There are too few of her to lose one so young.