Sunday, March 28, 2010

Last year, this year

Left is the chandelier in the dining room being decorated by Daniel with little tiny Easter Egg decorations.

Below is the same task, one year later. I can see how much he has grown.

Although I so enjoy the projects we do during the Holidays throughout the year, today I wonder how many more I will have to share with him before he tires of that childish task and wants to play with kids instead of me.

I am not diminishing the joy I have today, just being a little sad about how many more there will be.

Perhaps, when he is grown and has a family of his own, he will help his own family decorate. Recalling memories of times shared with "Nana".

1 comment:

Jo Ann said...

Those photos really tell a story, don't they? I know Daniel will grow up but I don't believe he'll ever outgrow his Nana. xo