Tuesday, March 8, 2011

All is calm...

...all is bright.

That is what I realized early this morning as Toby and I walked around the outside of the house.

Toby delightedly sniffed and sniffed and I wandered around behind him, shoes on but no socks, dressed in my sweats and winter jacket, carrying a fresh cup of coffee. The goose on the pond next door was honking and honking. A responding honk came from above the field across the street. Then silence. Not a sound. Just silence.

I looked in the flowerbeds and saw little peeks of green (and lots of work to be done picking up clutter, leaves and fallen.branches). I think our little five acre lot is starting to get a breath ready for spring. Not a big breath, just a little intake of air.

But that air is quiet and clean.

I am ready to enjoy a big deep breath of spring air!

1 comment:

Jo Ann said...

That sounds just wonderful. I hope you're right and that Spring is coming.