Sunday, December 12, 2010

My second chance

I know this may sound maudlin or morbid. But Daniel's birth
renewed my life.

All of the mistakes in my former life could easily be rectified
if I only got a second chance. This little boy has given me
an opportunity to evaluate things that I did raising my own
children, good things and not so good things.

This is his first formal visit to Santa. His Mom and Dad took
him to the Great Northern mall for this special first Santa
visit and Tim and I were so very lucky to witness this first

As Christmas approaches, Daniel has asked me to tell him the story of the "First Christmas". I know he does not refer to "his" first Christmas, but that is what I thought of today.

I will tell him the simple story of the first Christmas and I am reminded of the story of the little boy who accompanied his mother to the local mall at Christmas time. He asked the lady elf who was assisting the children waiting to see Santa
this question.

"Where is the line to see Jesus"?


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