Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Daniel is "rocketing" to his 6th Birthday!

This is the birthday cake that Sarah made (from Scratch) for Daniel's Birthday celebration which was held Sunday evening at Uncle Nathan and Aunt Traci's house. His dad, Kevin fixed Meatballs and spaghetti, salad and garlic breadsticks, and the cake for dessert. Daniel wants to be an astronaut when he grows up so the cake was a perfect ending to a great celebration.

His birthday was on the 7th, but because of school and jobs we celebrated a day early. It was great fun to reminiss (sp?) about the day six years prior at Akron Hospital while that incubator was wheeled into Sarah's hospital room, all of us gathered around to see this scrawny little 3 lb, some odd ounce figure of a baby, hooked up to lots of things.

The wonder of it. The terror of it. The fear of it. And then the sigh of relief! He will be okay!

And he is!

1 comment:

Jo Ann said...

OH, he's better than OK. What a sweet little boy. I remember him in "big boy" shoes long before he could walk. He's been going places and it'll be fun to see where he ends up.