Friday, February 17, 2012

I long for the news ... or perhaps not!

I am having trouble watching the news.  I long for local news, and not world news.  The TV in my office which is not connected to cable only gets 3, 5 and 19, not 8 which is the one in the morning that has the local folks I have grown accustomed to. (Can Stephanie find any "bigger" earrings? or slinkier clothing?)

I have started surfing the channels to find someone who is visiting a grade school that was honored as the "school of the week".  I don't want to view Whitney's funeral prep, I hardly knew her, nor the guy who allegedly murdered his wife on their honeymoon.

I do want to know what the weather is locally, and nationally however.  Since Tim is on the road, I am interested in what he is "driving in".

Other than the political updates about who is sleeping with whom, I am having trouble finding out who is running for office in Medina, who will benefit from the levy passing in Buckeye School District, is there anything fun to do for free this weekend. 

"Breaking News...The Triple By-Pass Burger served in the Heart Attack Grill sends a customer to the emergency room, for real!  The Heart Attack Grill provides   Free Food for anyone over 300#s in Vegas where the fries are fried in lard...pulleeeze!  Time is 7:19 a.m. and that's what is on Channel 5 right now.

My friend Jo Ann wrote in her blog about reality TV shows that she turned her nose up at.  Now she is a fan.
It makes me laugh, I shun reality TV, yet I watch the news.  Go figure!

Only difference in the two formats, some of her TV stars have had boob jobs  AND  butt lifts, instead of just the boob jobs on the news anchors.

There is a line in the movie  "The Associate".  Whoopi Goldberg needs to get a makeover for a black tie event, and wants to fit in with the "A" crowd audience.  Her drag queen tenant's expertise is sought and he asks "what look are you going for"? A little classy and a little slutty....Ah, a News Anchor look!

Well, rambling seems to be subsiding,


Jo Ann said...

We live in black holes where local news is concerned. Wooster has a small country radio station -- Medina isn't lucky enough to have even that. Akron news certainly won't make us feel any better.

I recommend "Snake Man of Appalachia" -- you'll never look at Kentucky back roads in quite the same way.

It's news. Sort of.

Judy said...

Can't stand even the mention of snakes let alone watch I will pass, any other suggestions?

=^..^= said...

A woman after my own heart!
I too shun "reality" shows. I have my own REAL life to live, and never enough hours in the day to fit everything in. Yet, I feel the need to know what's going on, locally and globally. Hearing the "new" somehow helps me feel connected to the rest of the world, or at least the country, the city, the community, my friends, other human beans!

So I've tried turning TV off completely. But that didn't last long. I tried tuning in to the news on wknds only. But I still find myself listening to the radio news daily, houry. Maybe we are all so "programmed" to "plug in" electronically, that when we find ourselves in blessed silence, it feels foreign and therefore uncomfortable. I'm thinking that's also why I can't seem to get rid of this "ringing in my ears" when all the "noise" stops.

Is this the new reality for so many of us - being buzzed & perpetually plugged in? The EMF hits we get have been proven to have a very REAL toxic effect. It's just a matter of time now, before we will no doubt discover the reality of THAT big experiment.