Thursday, March 8, 2012

How many children?

My friend commented something to the effect of "how many generations of children do we have to educate".
My response, "as many as educated me and you".

Though some are childless, they too received an education.

Though some are on fixed income, they too received an education.

It goes on and on and on.  One foot in front of the other till the job is done.  And then, the jobs that those educated children take, will pay the taxes and social security of those that have gone on to educate them.

At least that's my take on it.  Someone did it for me and I will do it for someone else.  Even though my children are now supporting families of their own I will still support education.

If there is no good system there will be no good rewards.

I guess I just don't agree and that's okay.
