Thursday, March 22, 2012

A big dose of reality..

This is a post from Sarah to Facebook yesterday.  I picked Daniel up from School yesterday and he got into the car and said "I am so sad Nana, Dozer is going to die and I don't want him to."  I know Daniel, I don't want him to either.  We are so lulled into "this is the way life will always be, when reality of the circle of life hits us in the face and slaps up back into the real world of "time goes by and we can't freeze frame it".

Sarah Vas

Ugh. What a long night. explaining life and death to a seven year old who is learning that the dog he has grown up with has cancer and is going to die. Lots of sadness and confusion. lots of hard questions. Lots of honest answers. Thank you to my parents who allowed me at a young age to take part in the cycle of life so I could be prepared for this part of parenting. Thank you for never "sending fluffy off to live on a farm in the country". I know the truth and want Daniel to know too. Please keep Dozer and Daniel in your thoughts as a little boy loses his first pup.



Jo Ann said...

Oh damn it all. Heartbreaking. The cycle of life can really suck sometimes but how fortunate Daniel is that his parents and grandparents are always there to provide a soft landing. So sorry about Dozer. xo

CatWhispurrer said...

I am always saddened to hear about anyone's beloved pet dying. It is such a sad fact of "Life" that we almost always outlive them. But I take heart in the hope that we will be reunited with them, when it is our time to cross over. I shed a few tears reading about Dozer. May he rest in peace and not suffer any more pain than he already has. Sometimes euthanasia is the kindest, final thing we can do for them.