Monday, May 18, 2009

Jennifer's Garden

One of the townships most respected gentleman, Jack Mack asked me to prepare an "appraisal" for the United Church of Christ here in town. Someone in the community was going to deed some land over to the church for their exclusive use.

Jack said he needed a "licensed Realtor" to do the job, so it would be "acceptable".

(And he called me?????) Anyway, I did the job, and called and spoke with Jack to make arrangements to meet and "deliver the goods" so to speak. Jack said he was still in his pajamas and was doing his morning excercise routine, but if I could stop by the house his wife Pat would be happy to meet and greet and take the large envelope of my opinion.

As I was getting ready to get back into my car, I noticed a beautifully landscaped plot of ground next to their deck. All kinds of beautiful perienniels were planted there, and the garden looked as if it were very lovingly attended to.

Then I saw the marker. It read "Jennifer's Garden".

Jennifer was Jack and Pat's younger daughter, who succumbed to breast cancer not long ago.

She was a school teacher, wife, mother, daughter and friend.

Jennie Mack Blossom.

Pat Mack said "that's all we have left of her!"

I choked up and had to hastily get into my car.

I wonder sometimes how I would be remembered.

1 comment:

Jo Ann said...

What a lovely story. Got me all misty-eyed.

And as for remembering you, I promise it will be with much love and respect for your gentle nature.

Hell, we'll name a horse after you. It probably doesn't get any better than that!
