Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Two days and counting!

Wow! I can't believe it is almost here.
Today will be spent wrapping, and delivering. I have a photo shoot at 9:00 for a TV Open House in January. The home owner almost had a heart attack when she learned the shoot was two days before Christmas! Then breakfast with two clients, delivering some gifts to clients who live out of the county and then back home to clean up this mess.

I got up at 4:30 this morning, but so far, the coffee pot is the only thing that I have laid my hands on and also took Toby for his morning walk. He looks so beautiful with his newly bathed and groomed coat. He thought the camera at this time of the morning was an intrusion on his beauty rest! Can't let Santa see a scruffy dog!
Tim is in Massachusetts, without his cell phone and that is a really big void in his trip. Hard to get directions etc., but hopefully he will be home tomorrow.

I have all the ingredients for tomorrow evening's meal and I am excited to have my family here to open their gifts. Somehow, Christmas would find me a little more prepared this year if it was at least one more week away. Well, it is in two days, so I best get hoppin'.

Merry "two days before" to you!

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