Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day Review

Above: Tim, me and Nathan
Right: Traci, Monica, Elsie and Kerwin
Wow, what a weekend! Sarah, Kevin and Daniel hosted a dinner for me at the Medina Steakhouse on Saturday evening. The menu is massive, the choices multiple, and the food was very, very good. The only incident was when Tim opened the menu, took a glance and said "Holy Sh _ _!" Kevin leaned over and said "just order something you would not have eaten at home". Well, that pretty much covered everything on the menu! It was a delicious meal and I enjoyed Scampi, one of my favorite treats, but only maybe once every other year! The conversation was great and the company even greater!
Next, on Sunday morning we joined Nathan and Traci, Traci's parents, brother and girlfriend, and Monica (Uncle Don's significant other or Aunt Monica to us) for a sumptious brunch at their home. Traci did all of the cooking and the food and the presentation were so beautiful and yummy! I felt very, very blessed and very special! Both sets of children said all the nicest things to me and lots of hugs and kisses came too!
On the way to Traci and Nathan's house, we passed a small church in North Ridgeville that had a lighted sign out front.
Written on the sign was this saying. I thought it was most powerful and memorable.
"The nicest gift a Father can give his children is to love their Mother".

1 comment:

Jo Ann said...

I'm glad you had such a lovely Mother's Day weekend.