Thursday, May 6, 2010

This was an email that I opened this morning!

Reasons why I love my mom...

1. She has always stood by whatever decisions I have made about my career in horses.
2. She's always ready to go to a horse show, the tack shop, to see a potential new horse, to or have a party.
3. She's my son's best friend and best influence.
4. She's always ready to do my dishes or clean the lounge so people don't think me slovenly, even though my lack of domestic habits gross her out.
5. She's a dreamer.
6. She knows best and doesn't take any of my sass.
7. After a long hard day, she always has food for me.
8. She makes me laugh.
9. She sacrifices.
10. She knows how to pick up where I leave off.

I know it's not quite mother's day but I was eating my leftovers and thinking of you.
Love you,

I am speechless!

1 comment:

Jo Ann said...

I am so envious of your relationship. Lucky both of you. xo