Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How did you spend Sunday night?

I have had the same song playing in my brain over and over again for the last several days.
The country song that is new on the charts, can't remember who sings it, but there is a line that goes "It's not the breathes you take, the breating in and out, but the moments that take your breath away"!

Yes it is. Tim was supposed to leave for Pa. Sunday afternoon. He had been working in the yard, readying it for the winter when he stopped for a few minutes and said "I should leave for Pa., I need to deliver by Tuesday morning, but I feel guilty not spending some time with Daniel today. (Daniel had come in the morning as Kevin had to make an emergency drive down to Lexington, to drive the motor home back home. Sarah was too sick to drive back from the World Equestrian Games). I had been gone announcing a horse show since Thursday and arrived back home Sunday early afternoon.

Well, Tim and I talked and the photos below show what he decided to do.

A "take your breath away" moment!

1 comment:

Jo Ann said...

I know it's a decision he'll never regret. Good man.