Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A real pie in the sky!

Yesterday was too cool to work outside and not warm enough inside to not turn on the oven. I had a bag of Northern Spy apples to use up so I made some "from scratch" pie crust with lard. Peeled the apples and added the spices and other ingredients. Started to pile them up in the pie shell and realized there were just too many!

Oh well, I piled them up anyway, placed the top crust on and put that tall baby into the oven.

I usually bake a pie on 425 degrees for 20 minutes and then reduce the heat to 350 degrees after that. It took 15 additional minutes to bake this puppy due to the height of it.

But, as you can see, it turned out okay! Neighbors had pie and ice cream for dessert last night and they seemed to like it!

I will still adjust the crust recipe or tweak it a little. Not as flakey as the crust Dene Pugh makes up in Canada, but then, she used more lard than I did, and she also just uses her hands to crumble the flour and lard together. She does it strictly by feel, so I have a way to go yet.

But for the first pie of the season.....it was pretty cute!

1 comment:

Jo Ann said...

Beautiful! THAT is a pie!