Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Two days and counting down..

Today is day four of prepping for the "Feast".
I love this particular holiday. I show "Love" with food and so this is my kind of gathering.
So far the prepping has included:
l. cutting and roasting three hubbard squash (baking with butter and brown sugar to come)
2. cutting, peeling and cooking five rutabaga to prepare braised with onion, bacon, sage and stock
3. cleaning and cooking four bags of cranberries and making into sauce
4. peeling, dicing and sauteing three lbs of onions and two bunches of celery in one pound of butter for stuffing
5. thawing three turkeys, (20 lbs, 24.9 lbs, 20.4 lbs)
6. polishing various and assorted silver tableware and silverware
7. shopping for cream to whip, pies to make (eight) green beans to casserole, sweet potatoes to roast and mash, corn to heat and butter, potatoes to mash, gravy to make, suttfing bread to dice,
8. vacuum and dust
9. table to set
10. Be Thankful and pray!

1 comment:

Jo Ann said...

It sounds like a perfect day in the making. I'm thrilled for you.