Wednesday, December 14, 2011


...So a sick woman walks into an AT&T phone store to report that her cell phone is out of order.  It does not ring.

She was greeted by a thirteen year old clerk with natural red hair (I just had to mention this fact as there are so few of them out there in the world today).  "May I help you" says the clerk.
"Yes", says the woman "my phone doesn't ring".

"Let me take a look" says the clerk.  She starts fingering the face pad with both thumbs, moving them  in unison like the director of a hristmas choir.  The touch screen is unresponsive to her wishes.  "I did that" says the lady.  "Hmmm"says the clerk, again moving her thumbs across the touch screen faster this time.  "I did that" says the lady.  The clerk looks up and says "It doesn't ring"!  I did not reach across the counter and grab her by the throat.  Obviously the clerk did not notice the dark circles and dishelved hair on the sick lady.  "Yes, I said,  it doesn't ring". (didn't I say that already?)

"Let me pull your account up on the screen".  ??? Why, I wondered.
"Do you know how long you've had this phone?" says she
"No, can't you look on the computer screen and find that out?" says I.

"Well, we are going to have to send you out a new phone".  "You should have it in 2 to 5 days".
"Then what?" says the sick, sick lady.
"Then come back and we will change out all of your data and info for you". says she.

"What is your work schedule for the rest of the week?" says the sick lady.


1 comment:

Jo Ann said...

GRRR indeed. I'm surprised sick lady did not smack natural redhead into next week.