Sunday, June 12, 2011

Country Club

Yesterday afternoon, Country Club was exhibiting signs of colic.

I got him up in his stall and immediately called the vet. Dr. Wiley was at a graduation party in Chippewa Lake and I had to call the service

twice in a half an hour to get him to get the call. Dr Wiley arrived an hour

after I started walking Club.(standard colic procedure) He administered standard colic meds, and tube oiled him and gave him a tranquilizer. we turned him loose in the arena where he immediately went down and was in pain. Two hours later he was still in pain and the vet came back. Administered an anti spasmodic and we put him in Sarah's trailer and drove to Burton to the Equine Specialty Hospital. Emergency surgery performed by Dr. Miligan, a colic surgery specialist proved there was a lymphoma the size of a golf ball with a 12" tail attached that had strangled 12 feet of intestine, and another 15 feet were inflamed. The tumor was

removed as the 12 feet of intestine was also. Resectioned the inflamed section to the healty section. He got out of surgery and came out of the anesthetic about 1 a.m.

Time heals all wounds...if there are no complications. The intestine has to

regain motility. There are no answers, waiting to hear this morning.

Dr. Milligan said that the strangulation of the intestine is very fast and when he was exhibiting signs of colic, that is when the process was starting. Most cases are treated just like colic, and most often patients are not taken to a surgery center.

Say a prayer for my friend.

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