Tuesday, June 30, 2009

We show our true colors

The 13th Annual Medina Board of Realtors Horse Show is "in the can" as referred in Movie/Hollywood lingo.

We had a successful show. The weather threatened on Sunday, but never got out of the "bully" stage. Just a few drops, not even enough to settle dust, and the sky lightened up again.

Lots of kids joined us for the Stick Horse Classes each day and we gave away all 50 Stick Horses. The Pooch Parade was also a hit with the spectators and exhibitors bring their dogs some in costume to parade around and be judged by Linda White of Louisville, Ky. Bil-Jac and Smith Bros. were sponsors of that event and the dogs got big bags of dog biscuits, liver treats, and dog foods.
Our committee and volunteers were wonderful to work with.
The Judge and officials were wonderful to work with.

As a fund raiser.... it was a success.
As a Public Relations event...it was a success.
As a thrill for me and "Country Club"....
it was much more than a success!
It was a victory!
(He had never carried me with the flag before, and the wind was blowing as you can see, and bless his heart, by the second day, he got the hang of it!)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

It that time of the year once again!

It's coming, it's coming, it's coming!

The 13th Annual Medina County Board of Realtors Horse Show!

June 27 and 28th at the Medina Fairgrounds Horse Show Ring, on the Rt. 42 (Lafayette Road side of the Fairgrounds).

I have been chair of the event for 13 years now.

I am getting long in the tooth, and saggey in the butt!

This year's show is being judged by Gary Mullen, Director of Equine Studies at William Woods College in Fulton, Mo. The 50 stick horses are all made for the little kids to "show". The apple treats are all packaged for the kids who will be competing in classes (even if a child does not earn a ribbon in the competition, they will receive a really cute bag filled with horse treats that are labeled "Good Job") All the kids this weekend will be receiving some prize. If I have anything to do with it, then there is no child who leaves the ring without something in their little hands.

All the Stick Horse kids competing receive a blue ribbon.

We even have a Pooch Parade sponsored by Bil-Jac and Smith Bros. with dog biscuits, and treats and dog food samples. Prizes awarded to the Best ears, the Best Bark, the Longest Tail etc. Much fun!

My mind is racing (and so is my colon) listing things to be done, and things not to forget and we meet at the Fairgrounds tomorrow at 3:30 to set up and clean up.

Looking forward to this each year, and this year I will carry the colors on a different horse.

Sad that Chief will be staying home, but his breathing is troublesome and the dust will aggrevate it. So, Country Club and I are going to be brave and carry the colors and stand at attention while the organist plays the National Anthem. This is something that I insist on having done to start each day. We just don't do enough of that sometimes in this land!

Well, Saturday and Sunday, rain or shine, our country's flag will be hoisted by a great older chestnut gelding and a sweaty old lady!

The photo above is from the 2007 Horse Show, where my daughter is driving our friend and client Maggie Schlund's mare "Naughty Noelle", 2003 - 2007. She is in Horse Heaven waiting for us.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Clarinex (desloratadine) 5 mg tablets

Never heard of it before. But, I may be hearing a lot about it now. I was just given some samples of this drug by my Dr. to ease what is turning out to be an alergy to smoke (as in tobacco). I am also on a prescription for the bronchitis which is coming back but the Clarinex is the prescription form of Claritin which is an allergy relief now sold over the counter.

I did not take it when I picked it up as I was not sure if there would be a reaction, and I had so many things to do. So last night, I sat on the sofa at 9:00 and took the pill.

See above for the results. I won't take any today, but tonight might be a different story!

Monday, June 22, 2009


..........if a dog was the teacher you would learn things like:

When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.

Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.

Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.

Take naps.

Stretch before rising.

Run, romp, and play daily.

Thrive on attention and let people touch you.

Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.

On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.

On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.

When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.

Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.

Be loyal.

Never pretend to be something you're not.

If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.

When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently.


The writing is on the .........

..........sidewalk! This is one of my favorite photos of all time. Tim and Daniel using our cement driveway as an "Easel".
I was reminded of this photo yesterday, Father's Day. Tim is a good Father, and a good Grandfather! He was not in town to celebrate with his kids and grandchild but he was in our thoughts as we celebrated with a barbeque at Nathan and Traci's house.
While I had the morning to myself, I started cleaning the garage in preparation for our annual garage sale. Lo and behold, I came upon a big box of Daniel's sidewalk chalk. Hence the photo above. I fondled the chalk for a few seconds and a vision came to me of two other small children writing and drawing on the sandstone porch of our farmhouse along with a much adoring, and much younger man with a mustache.
Those are the things that pop up in my mind, but Lord knows where I was going this morning when I walked into the living room, or what I was looking for!
Those things I can't remember!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

I couldn't believe my eyes!

Middle of the night TV just has been grabbing me by
the collar. I don't sleep well, so sometimes during
the night I just turn on the TV and chase channels
until I find something that I think will put me to
sleep. Well, the "new" Incredible Hulk" was on a
cable station. Wow! I can sleep through this.
Not! The new hulk is not a muscle bound specimen
of manhood such as the original one played by Lou Ferrigno.

No, rather he looks like a forlorn milquetoast! Not
at all what I expected. But the "Hulk" part......oh
my God! Awesome visual effects and action and all
kinds of loud, noisy stuff. Not the type of movie to
sleep through.

The most incredible thing (no pun intended) was
a brief cameo shot that showed the old character
being asked something of the whereabouts of the new
character. . Yes, the person being asked was.......non other
than Lou Ferrigno! He had a cameo in the movie. There he sat,
big as life, and gave directions to someone chasing after
the hulk!

Just awesome. And by the way, I saw it all the way through
to the end. Not my usual nod off and not see the middle or
the end!

Might even watch it again, just to be sure there was no funny

Left: "new" Hulk scientist getting the
Gamma Treatment

Right: Lou Ferrigno the "OLD" Hulk

(the new Hulk gives new meaning to unobtrusive, unspectacular, unattractive and totally mild mannered. Look out for those silent types!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The lady on the circle

The Amish lady who parks her buggy on the circle in Litchfield
on Saturday mornings is named "Emma". She has become friends
with Traci Sampson, the mother of Samantha the young girl that
successfully showed my mare at the horse show in Medina over
the Memorial Day weekend.

She is a seamstress as well as a "baker". Many of you may have
stopped on Saturday mornings and purchased bread or pies from

Emma is now doing custom sewing for a cottage industry started by
Traci. Girls' and Ladies' Dickies, worn for Equestrian competitions.
Regulation long sleeved, high collared, stiff and starched "Ratcatcher
Shirts are not the most comfortable things to wear under a wool
Hunt Coat! So voila' The "Equestian Dickie" has been hatched by Traci.

You Go Girl! (and Lady)

No biggie, I just thought that was an interesting arrangement.

Hmmmmmmm.......wonder if Emma and her family would like to
make pierogies?

New meaning for the word "Chill"!

What a difference just one year makes! Look to the right at Daniel last summer in the "Pool"!
And look to the left at the "Much grown up little boy in the new "Spiderman" pool!.
Wow, look how big he has grown in a year!
My life seems to be flying by like scenery through the window of a speeding train!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Kid's Musical Bloopers.....a little bit of silly for today!

  • "Beethoven wrote music even though he was deaf. He was so deaf he wrote loud music. Beethoven expired in 1827 and later died from this."
  • "A virtuoso is a musician with real high morals.
  • "Refrain means don't do it. A refrain in music is the part you better not try to sing."
  • "When electric currents go through them, guitars start making sounds. So would anybody."
  • "My very best liked piece of music is the Bronze Lullaby."
  • "Probably the most marvelous fugue was the one between the Hatfields and the McCoys."
  • "Most authorities agree that music of antiquity was written long ago."
  • "I know what a sextet is, but I had rather not say."

Sunday, June 14, 2009

A sign from God...

Tim has always said that. Well, in a little different light to be exact. Tim will come across a worm on the ground and wickedly look at me and say "it's a sign from God that I should go fishin'!

And he and Daniel and Toby did!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Mary, Mary quite contrary....

How does your garden grow?

Well, ours grows when little boys take over planting the beans.

Such determination.

I will keep you posted as to the harvest!

Are your affairs in order?????

The Affair

Jake was dying.

His wife sat at the bedside.

He looked up and said weakly:

"I have something I must confess".

"There's no need to," his wife replied.

"No," he insisted, "I want to die in peace".

"I slept with your sister, your best friend,

her best friend, and your mother! "

"I know," she replied,

" just rest and let the poison work.!"

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The ultimate friend!!

My next door neighbor, Linda Vaughn is a peach of a friend. We have lived next to each other since July 1, 1990, and ...... we are still friends.
I came across this photo and it made me smile. Look closely, it is a photo of Linda with her head down on her arm, snoozing!
Back up here. in 1997, I was President of the Medina County Board of Realtors, and I was allowed to choose a "fundraiser" for the Board.
My comment "you ain't gonna' like it"! Of course the fundraiser was a Horse Show. Well, we are approaching the 13th Annual Medina County Board of Realtors Horse Show, at the Medina Fairgrounds on Sat June 26th and Sunday June 27th. The two day, all day events have grown and grown into a "premier" event locally for horse enthusiasts.
My dear friend Linda was drafted by me to be the "Show Secretary" (a job requiring lots of clerical skills, a tatooed on smile, arrival 1 hour before the event starts, and leaving after the last horse has left the grounds". What is amazing is this: Linda is neither a Show Secretary, or a Realtor, or a Realtor affiliate. She is Linda, (sometimes called the Fairy Godmother to my children) a Nursery School Director, a non horse person, (her name appears on the registration papers of several of the horses that her husband Bruce exhibits) and a non-rider.
But what she is is: A damn good sport, someone that I can count on, and a terrific friend.
You know the kind........the person who still stays your friend, even in spite of who you are!
The job is hot, tedious and exhausting....as you can see. She has to stay cooped up in this little "hut" of a building all day long with the heat and the dust pouring in.
But she is gearing up for this year's event.......as always!
Kudos to friends who are true blue like Linda Vaughn

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A rose by any other name......

My neighbors Bruce and Linda Vaughn are currently babysitting or rather dog sitting a miniature Schnauzer for friends. Cute litte dog named "Buddy".
Buddy is a typical schnauzer, curious, pulling out things, and he has been socialized to a large extent. Than what is his problem? He yips!
I can't open the side door to my house, take my dog out, start a car, walk in the drive etc without the incessant "Yip, Yip, Yip" coming from next door. When they are not home, he still Yips! Sometimes he Yips for over an hour! It is very, very annoying!
So, in haste the other day, my dog Toby and I both headed into the fenced in yard, my mind on something else other than the mission I was on and as I got to the back door of Linda's house, here came the Holy terror Yipping away and armed for bear! (I dont' take Toby over to Linda's house when the schnauzer is in residence, too much yipping and back hair standing up etc) Linda was in hot pursuit of the rascal when in a moment of losing her mind, she said loudly, "let him out".
Now this was a study in opposites, as we have never let the two dogs meet head on! Jack, Linda's beagle joined in the mix and they were off to the races. I held my breath awaiting the inevitable attack!
There was none! "Yippy Skippy" (which is what Bruce and Linda call the little dog) ran head on into Toby......and shut up! Toby the gentle dog was so excited to see the new pup he wagged all over. They ran and chased and played. Yea Gads!
So, it just goes to show.......there is credence to the saying: "All bark and no bite"!