Saturday, June 20, 2009

I couldn't believe my eyes!

Middle of the night TV just has been grabbing me by
the collar. I don't sleep well, so sometimes during
the night I just turn on the TV and chase channels
until I find something that I think will put me to
sleep. Well, the "new" Incredible Hulk" was on a
cable station. Wow! I can sleep through this.
Not! The new hulk is not a muscle bound specimen
of manhood such as the original one played by Lou Ferrigno.

No, rather he looks like a forlorn milquetoast! Not
at all what I expected. But the "Hulk" part......oh
my God! Awesome visual effects and action and all
kinds of loud, noisy stuff. Not the type of movie to
sleep through.

The most incredible thing (no pun intended) was
a brief cameo shot that showed the old character
being asked something of the whereabouts of the new
character. . Yes, the person being asked was.......non other
than Lou Ferrigno! He had a cameo in the movie. There he sat,
big as life, and gave directions to someone chasing after
the hulk!

Just awesome. And by the way, I saw it all the way through
to the end. Not my usual nod off and not see the middle or
the end!

Might even watch it again, just to be sure there was no funny

Left: "new" Hulk scientist getting the
Gamma Treatment

Right: Lou Ferrigno the "OLD" Hulk

(the new Hulk gives new meaning to unobtrusive, unspectacular, unattractive and totally mild mannered. Look out for those silent types!

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