Monday, January 4, 2010

Run don't walk!

Sarah took Daniel and me to the movies yesterday. Now
you must understand, I am not a "movie theater movie goer" so it is not an everyday thing.
Although I do love the movies, and always have I don't normally go because Tim is gone so much of the time and I don't like going alone. I have taken Daniel to see some children's movies but to date, my theater time is very limited.
In a couple of words "I loved it!" It was one of the most wonderful movies I have ever seen. I smiled, and smiled and smiled. I tapped my foot to the tunes and smiled some more. Daniel was frightened at one scene, but other than that, he fully enjoyed it too.
A must see, for kids of any age, especially if you love New Orleans, Jazz, humor, and a great story!
To my movie buff friends...don't let the title keep you away from this one!


Jo Ann said...

Is the title "Run Don't Walk" or is that an instruction? We rarely go to the theater either -- if Arnold or Stallone aren't playing we generally stay home. But it sounds magical. Whatever it is.

Judy said...

It is "The Princess and the Frog" a Disney/Pixar film and now the #1 Film in the country. Run Don't Walk are the "instructions" for all of you!