Monday, January 25, 2010

The simple things.

Saturday night Daniel had a sleepover at our house.
As usual, Daniel and I watch a couple of movie DVD's
and Papa makes us popcorn. I sit on the sofa and eat popcorn one kernel for me and one kernel for Toby.
When I am finished, Toby moves over to Daniel's side of
the room and Daniel says "Just this one Toby" and throws a
kernel on the floor. In a few seconds he repeats "Just this one Toby" and throws another on the floor.
This routine continues until the popcorn is gone and Daniel and I have finished our glasses of juice. Usually we watch the second movie sans the popcorn.
The feature attactions Saturday night were:
"The Pebble and the Penquin" a Disney feature which was quite nice and the double feature movie was "The Treasure Planet" again by Disney. Wow, was it a great feature. Futuristic and fun with lots of story and intrigue. I could
watch that one again.
Looking back, I could have watched anything as long as Daniel and I get our movie time together.
Ain't life grand?

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