Monday, May 9, 2011

How's that for a great looking family?

Mother's Day 2011 has passed and it was a great

event. Traci and Nathan hosted brunch and it was delish! The menu consisted of: Belgian Waffles, fresh strawberries and blueberries, thick cut bacon, sausage links, scrambled eggs, bagels and cream cheese, cheesy potato casserole and coffee cake. Juice, wine, name it, it was wonderful.

Lot's of floral gifts and a new pie plate, cards and kisses. What a day!

This photo was taken yesterday afternoon in Traci and Nathan's newly landscaped backyard.

Missing from the photo was Kevin, Sarah's husband and Daniel's dad. Kevin had to fly the mother of the owner of the#3 Horse in the Derby to Louisville on Saturday, so Kevin spent his day parked on the tarmack at the Louisville Airport.

Daniel lost his first tooth yesterday morning, so it was a big day for him as well.

All was well with the world yesterday.

I then invited my friend Shirley over for dinner as when I spoke with her and asked what she was doing special yesterday, her reply was "nothing".

As she left las night she said "I was hoping you would call".

Ain't it grand being alive?

1 comment:

Jo Ann said...

Sounds like a perfect day. Life is good!