Saturday, May 28, 2011

The jury is in

Okay...I like it. I mean, I really like it.
The new washing machine I mean.
I had the service/repair manexplain
everything to cliff notes for
college classes.

It is quiet. Extremely quiet. It makes
not a sound except to tell you it's done
with the process and that sound is a
pleasant little ring tone like your phone.

The clothes are clean, I only use 2 tbls.
of soap, it has programming (automatically)
for all of the different fabric choices and you
hit "go" and we're off. The clothes come out
extremely "wrung out" if you know what I
mean. A lot less water in the clean product
and therefore, a lot less time spent in the

I think my service man should go into the
showroom and sell these puppies. I'm sure
with his demo and pitch and the cautions he
gives, he could sell a lot of these front loaders.

Just a thought.

If there was going to be a photo attached
to this would be of me smiling!

1 comment:

Jo Ann said...

How wonderful to hear about a new appliance that works the way it was promised. Very happy for you. Suddenly it's fun to do laundry. OK, that was overstating.