Sunday, May 1, 2011

The View from the sidelines

Daniel had his first Soccer Game this week. When Tim and I arrived with him to the school fields, (his parents were working) we were the only people there. We had been told to arrive at 5:30, and so we did. The coach arrived at 6:00.

Daniel had no uniform as of yet, but the uniform was to be an orange shirt, check, shorts, check, soccer socks (do they go on over or under the socks? Under!) soccer shoes and his soccer ball.

Tim took the ball out of the bag we were taking to the game unbeknownst to me, so Daniel was a little on edge at the fact that there was no ball. Slowly folks started to arrive and we found our way to the right field and waited for the coach. Five boys and one girl on the team who renamed themselves "The Star Wars" gathered round the coach. He said he would never remember their names and after a brief intro they started to practice. No game as the other team's coach communicated the fact that he can't play during the week, so no game commenced, but they did get their first practice in.

Daniel had some focusing issues and some behavior not suitable to being in company. Silly stuff and a little "class clown" stuff. He was asked not to play.

"You have to sit on the sidelines and just watch"!

Daniel cried.

I wanted to.

Here's my beef. The coach did not say "these are the rules" "This is what will happen if you break the rules" etc. These kids are six year olds. They will not behave like Beckham.

That's my beef and I had to watch a little boy with a broken heart cry.

"Please can I play, I'll learn everything about soccer and I will be the best player ever".

"No Daniel, you broke a rule."

Life's lessons are really tough sometimes.

1 comment:

Jo Ann said...

Oh I am just furious with the Coach. If there are rules they should be stated. Heck, they should be written down and given to the parents. That was nothing but MEAN. I'm so sorry that happened.