Monday, November 7, 2011

It almost feels like I am passing the torch

My daughter-in-law Traci said something that made me catch my breath yesterday at breakfast.

We had been invited by her to join her and Nathan in North Ridgeville for a Sunday morning breakfast. We had already eaten due to the "fall back Daylight Savings Time" but we said we would love to join them for coffee.
And so we drove up to North Ridgeville to the "City Diner" for coffee. Well, I can't be exposed to food for any prolonged period of time before I want to eat, so I had two blueberry pancakes and syrup. During breakfast, the Thanksgiving meal prep came up in the conversation. Traci has been coming the day before Thanksgiving to prepare pies for the feast. I can't remember how many years it has been, but a few anyway. She learned how to "crimp" crust edges, mix the fillings, how to make fresh from scratch whipped cream etc.

But this year, she wants to be in on the turkey prep. "Wow" ! I was so excited. She is the only person in the family who has expressed any interest in preparing a holiday meal, so I am very excited. Also, Tim told Nathan "this year you can carve the turkey". And he actually meant it.

It is bittersweet.

How many more holiday meals will I be able to preapre?

How many more will I be the director.

When will I become the audience?

Kind of a dark and moody forecast don't you think.

Well shake it off Von Duyke, and get on with the joy of teaching someone who is actually interested in cooking, how to get ready for the task of cooking Thanksgiving dinner.

Then as if watching a young child after learning a lesson, I shall sit back and glow with pride.

Yes, I think I will dwell on that thought today!

1 comment:

Jo Ann said...

I think it's wonderful that she's interested in learning but it's way too early for you to be giving up the reins. You've got YEARS of turkeys to cook. Don't despair. xo