Saturday, April 25, 2009

Turkey Lurkey and other adventures on the farm

Yesterday, Tim (in pain), myself, Daniel, Tim's brother Bill and Bill's wife Pat went down to Sullivan, Ohio to visit with Tim's other brother David and his mate, Pat.

David's two sons came for a visit for the weekend. Andy from Houghton, Michigan and David from Maryland. David's wife Lynn came also, as they were also visiting Lynn's parents.

Lynn's dad has cancer. David has cancer, Tim just dodged the bullet with cancer, and Bill is recovering from radiation from prostate cancer.

There is a health trend in the family that we wish would go away.

We had food and fellowship, and our kids came, and Bill's kids came, and Lynn's folks came and we had a good time.

David and Pat have chickens, and I buy the beautiful fresh brown eggs to use in my pierogies.
Along with the chickens they also have a great big male turkey. "Turk" is his name and he is pretty scary if you ask me. I don't do fowl unless it is on the grill, so I am not a "Turk" fan.
Although he seems friendly, in Daniel's eyes he appeared to be a "giant" of a bird. He was intrigued but fearful at the same time. One effort to be friends resulted in Daniel's hasty retreat until Cousin Andy came to the rescue, and held the bird quietly so Daniel could get a better look.

Well, also the prankster, David Sr., said "Why don't you take him home with you to live at your farm?" "Wow" said Daniel, "could I?"

"Let's ask your Mom and Dad before we take him home, okay?" "Okay" said Daniel, sad and reluctant.

You probably can guess the end of this story.

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