Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Stockings were Hung by the conference room tables????

That's right! Today at the Salvation Army office in the County Administration Building in Brunswick, a team of Santa's helpers assembled the 125 Christmas stockings to be distributed to needy children in our community.

Only one of my friends that showed up to help had ever been involved in the actual "assembly process". She was practiced and experienced so she could fill them "two by two"! Piles of chocolates, and canes, yo yo's, notepads, Christmas pencils, coloring books and crayons, a red delicious apple snuggled down in the toe, stuffed animals, and you name it were lovingly placed in the stockings with care, (in hopes that these children would not despair!)

On Ruthie and Maggie, on Judy and Barb, on Joan and Judy go Terry and Gerdie (Gerdie?) on Kathy and Judy P. you know the drill. (did I say Judy already?)

There was quiet and humility lined up at tables long. Each friend stuffing stockings was blessed from afar. Your efforts are noticed by folks near and far.

On Christmas, on children both big and small.
On Santa's helpers special friends, some old and some new.

Please come back to the tables next year...............won't you?

1 comment:

Jo Ann said...

The stocking stuffing sounds like fun -- happy to volunteer for duty next year.

Jo Ann
