Twice this month someone has mentioned that they are not able to understand the fact that people are "depressed". The word depressed is not to be confused with the word "depression". At least in my case it is not.
I suffer from chronic depression. Some of my friends are aware of it, and some of my family also. Only the people who suffer from this disease (yes it is a disease) can comprehend it's manifestations. My brain is short on seratonin, a chemical. (No it is not short a brick or two as some of you assume) Without a pill a day (many people are on more than one dose a day) I am not able to get out of bed and after I have been off the pill for a few days, I suffer what I call the "Salt syndrome" You know, in the Bible the tale is told of Lot's wife who disobeyed the command to not look back, and she was turned into a pillar of salt. Well, it happens to me. I lock up like a statue. I couldn't move quickly if my life depended on it. I know what I am supposed to do, I know what the correct thing to do is, I know how important it is to do, but I just can't do anything. I turn to salt.
I am a happy person. I am a positive person, I am a deep person, I am a caring person, I am a compassionate person, but I am not a normal person, in the general sense of the word.
If I had a visual handicap, people would cut me some slack. I am not being flip about this, but I do feel sometimes like I have a handicap. I can't change it, I can't control it, I can't wish it away,
I can't "heal thyself" as my husband thinks I should be able to do.
He doesn't understand, and I have given up trying to help him understand. Even my physician gave up trying to make him understand. So, I live with it, I live with it, and I live a full productive life and I have value and I have a great time going through life.
"One a Day" vitamins are not the only thing keeping me going forward!
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