In mid 1984 we moved into a brand new mobile home in our area. Our son was 13, and our daughter 10. It was a difficult adjustment for all of us leaving the farm, but we were determined to keep our family together.
A neighboring home housed a family with two young girls, one of whom was the same age as our daughter. Our children had grown up in the country and went to a small rural school, so going to a "big city" school was a real adjustment for both of them. Classes were large and consisted of kids from all over the city.
Sarah was prone to having friends come over on weekends and this particular youngster happened to be a young African American boy. He visited with us on several occasions, and was always great to be around. There were girls and boys who were her friends, and so we got to know a group of kids from her school.
One day, I answered a knock at our door, and was surprised to see Mrs. Nottingham (she passed last year, God rest her soul) the mother of the two neighbor girls. "Can I come in?" she asked.
"Of course, come in please". She did not make pleasant chitchat, she got right to the point of her visit. "Did you know that your daughter has a black "boy" friend?" .....there was a long laborious pause before I spoke.
"No I didn't, did you?"
End of story.
Red and yellow, blue and green, purple and orange too.....all make up the colors of a beautiful rainbow!
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